Welcome to CS 598 RAP - Storage Systems This course will cover an exciting set of topics in storage systems both local (e.g., local key-value stores, file systems) and distributed (e.g., disaggregation, control-plane storage). We will strike a balance between reading old, influential papers and more recent ones from conferences such as OSDI, SOSP, EuroSys, FAST, and ATC. Some of the topics we will cover in this course:
This course is a discussion-based, research-oriented one. That means,
Reading and class participation: Because this course is reading-heavy, here is some good advice on reading papers: How to Read and Evaluate Technical Papers. I also encourage you to form small reading groups with other students to discuss the papers before the class. To keep the class interactive, often I will arrange for informal discussions and frequently engage via questions in the class. So, read the papers and do show up for the lectures! Research project: You will explore a new research idea in your project. I will provide a list of problems/ideas to choose from. However, you are free to propose your own ideas. But please do talk to me about your ideas early on. We can brainstorm and refine them as needed. I strongly encourage to keep your group size to be two or three members. If the project involves implementing/measuring a complex system, I might allow more members. At the end of the semester, you will write a 8-page project report and also give a small 10-minute talk to the class. |
At the end of the course you will
Course Information
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